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Mrs M & Ginjin always make it look ‘Easy’

Opportunities are created with hard work

LiFTED | Sean D | 14 Sep 2021

Mrs M and Ginjin have been ruling the Mongolian Hip Hop landscape for a while now, so it seems like they can churn out hits effortlessly. But the secret behind their new single, ‘Easy,’ is that life can be uncomplicated, but you have to work hard for it. These two MCs have been tirelessly putting in the work, releasing eight singles together since they joined forces two years ago.

‘Easy’ has a simple, yet very Hip Hop message - work hard and you make opportunities for yourself. This is the only way to an easy life. Fans may think they look rich, wear designer brands, and drive hot cars, but the reality is that you have to hustle hard to get these things.

This one has references galore – the single art and video are highly influenced by the 90’s heist flick Dead Presidents. Interestingly, the pair do not star in the music video. Instead, they are replaced by a famous Mongolian influencer couple, but do show up in a cameo as...wait for it…pizza servers! [What is it about Hip Hop and pizza? We recently saw Yung Gravy and bbno$ as pizza delivery men in ‘Wassup’ as well.]

Like any classic gangster movie worth rewatching, ‘Easy’ has a bit of a twist at the end when the Nerf gun gets turned in a different direction.

Check out Mrs M and Ginjin’s ‘Easy’ below.