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Novel Friday’s unique ‘小鹿亂撞’ blends Jazz & Hip Hop to get romance

Falling in love is such an extraordinary feeling

LiFTED | Roger Yiu | 11 Mar 2022

Hip Hop has never really been the most romantic genre of music. This is partially due to its gritty roots and robust energy. Jazzy Hip Hop was developed in the late-1980s as an attempt to bring together the soft swing of Jazz with the hard-hitting energy of Hip Hop.

Hong Kong’s Novel Friday shows his undeniable talent with his latest release ‘小鹿亂撞.’ Built upon the silky guitar riff contributed by renowned jazz guitarist Teriver Cheung, ‘小鹿亂撞’ shines as a mash-up of modern Jazz and romantic Rap that gives listeners butterflies in their stomachs. Within the tender four-minute track, Novel Friday digs deep into the swoony emotions one always feels when falling in love in the lyrics, as he describes the palm sweating and heart racing when he meets his crush. To emphasize the giddiness, Novel Friday raps within a mellow, very unique voice that is completely different from his usual style, and it perfectly fits the nuances of ‘小鹿亂撞.’ The romantic vibe extends in the music video, where we see Novel Friday chase after his crush while he wanders around Hong Kong.

While Novel Friday might not be a household name yet, the emerging rapper on GREYTONE Music has been garnering a lot of attention from local fans with his versatile Rap style.

Check out Novel Friday’s ‘小鹿亂撞’ below.