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Undercovers close in on Shanti Dope in ‘Highschool’

The video is like a Filipino version of Law & Order

LiFTED | Marcus Aurelius | 3 Okt 2024

When watching the latest Shanti Dope video ‘Highschool,’ the first thing one must do is suspend belief about the age of the students. Shanti walks into school with face, neck, and just about everywhere else tattoos. While Shanti is 23, so he can pass for being in high school, some of the other “students” are also questionable as they look to be in their thirties at least.

Once that is out of the way, the song and video are pretty amazing. It plays like an episode of Law & Order which Shanti first gets his heart broken at the beginning of school when he sees his girl all up on someone else. Soon, he’s singing about it with his band.

Fear not as there is a new girl in school that looks quite like his old flame, only a bit sexier and she can even play the keyboard. She seems smitten with Shanti as they hang out in class and get to know each other better. Soon, Shanti is outside the school,hits a joint, and passes it to her. Unfortunately for Shanti, the new girl he’s fallen for is an undercover cop and she flashes her badge.

Shanti is busted and then given a perp walk out of the school. It’s not clear whether this is a pro- or anti-weed video, but it’s a good watch with a decent song attached to it by one of the best in the Philippines.

Check out Shanti Dope’s ‘Highschool’ below.