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Wu-Tang’s rare mystery album gets a listening session in Tasmania

Wu-Tang’s rare mystery album gets a listening session in Tasmania

LiFTED | Marcus Aurelius | 30 Mei 2024

What to hear snippets of the 31 tracks of Wu-Tang Clan’s Once Upon a Time in Shaolin? It’s time to head to Tasmania.

In the 2000s, RZA and other members of the Wu recorded this album and only made one copy of it. They packaged it in a hand-crafted silver and nickel case that included a 174-page book wrapped in leather and held on to the CD for a decade. Eventually, the world’s rarest album sold for US$2 million to Martin Shkreli at an auction. Shkreli was a disgraced pharmaceutical tycoon and the government seized his one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang album in an effort to pay off his debts. It was then sold to collector PleasrDAO as the coolest NFT that ever existed for US$4 million. While Once Upon a Time in Shaolin is not available for commercial use for 88 years, the owner can play snippets to people, and that is exactly what is happening at the Namedropping exhibition in Australia.

Between June 15 and June 24 at Australia’s Museum of Old and New Art in Tasmania, Wu-Tang fans can sign up on a guestlist to hear parts of the album. The listening sessions will be held at 1 pm and 4 pm in the museum’s listening studios.

To get on the Namedropping list, follow this link here.