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lilKrake小章章 & MDDM welcome everyone on ‘TaKeHo 大家好’

The single blends 7 languages in one song

LiFTED | Marcus Aurelius | 5 Des 2024

The first line spit in lilKrake小章章 and MDDM’s latest single is the song's name, “TaKeHo TaKeHo/ Welcome to the show.” The Taiwanese chorus means ‘Hello, everybody,’ so listeners are automatically drawn into the funky beat produced by Bluzz LaBleu. Soon, MDDM is spitting his verse in six languages - English, Hebrew, Russian, Chinese, Thai, and French - much to the delight of polyglots everywhere.

lilKrake小章章 raps second on the song, and his verse showcases the realness that he always brings. With a bit of humor, Krake touches on the daily struggles of the working class as well as how hard it is to get respect from his elders.

The video for ‘TaKeHo 大家好’ was shot by Benoit Masse, and takes the rappers on a whirlwind tour around Taipei from the front of the Grand Hotel to the calm of Jingfu Temple to the hustle and bustle of Raohe Night Market.

‘TaKeHo 大家好’ bridges cultural gaps while still encouraging people to groove to the synergy of lilKrake小章章 and MDDM.

Check out lilKrake小章章 and MDDM’s ‘TaKeHo 大家好’ below.