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lilKrake小章章 brings rawness & realness to ‘Is It Pop? 紅了沒’

The independent Taiwanese artist is an ecstatic dancer to the core

LiFTED | Marcus Aurelius | 7 Okt 2024

lilKrake小章章 aims to be different.

Instead of flashy videos with guns, cars, and sexy ladies, Krake’s latest, ‘Is It Pop? 紅了沒,’ shows his realness and rawness in its purest form. The beat, produced by lilKrake小章章, is slow and Trappy and first, but then it switches to Jersey style and pumps it up. The independent artist from Taiwan is a one-person team with the goal of making quality videos at the lowest cost and using his own production.

In his description of the song, Krake said, “I live a self-sufficient and very basic life, and live as freely as possible. If I make a little money, I invest it in my creations, bringing some cool and different experiences to myself and mankind.”

‘Is It Pop? 紅了沒’ follows Krake around while he dances in parking lots of hotels, in parks, on jogging tracks, and underneath highways. The rapper is just wearing red underwear, signifying his truest self by dancing in nature. In ecstatic dancing, people lose control of themselves in the music and just move to the rhythm freely. Krake does that and more with a bit of a Hip Hop twist as he drops some B-boy moves in forward and reverse.

Check out lilKrake小章章’s ‘Is It Pop? 紅了沒’ below.